Tennis June 2011 (with Photos)

Saint Patricks Society (Bangkok) Tennis – 2011

On a lazy Sunday afternoon in Bangkok the sun slipped behind the clouds and the summer rains held off allowing an intrepid bunch of St Patricks Society tennis players to compete for the 2011 trophy. The venue was the British Club where the normal BC Sunday ‘strawberries and cream’ tennis set went missing as St Patricks players and supporters took over the top courtside tables.  The refurbished BC courts were superb, probably the best in Thailand.

The event was to be a singles tournament but the increased numbers dictated a quick change to a doubles round/robin and knockout competition with the draw deftly completed in record time by honorary organiser, Eamonn. In fact the man from Rostrevor and ex society president  organised the event. All in attendance appreciated a grand effort by Eamonn.

Thanks also to committee members Porrick and David M for attending the event although injuries prevented them playing.  Thanks also to Porrick and Puma for supplying a generous helping of excellent tennis balls.

A diversity of nations filled the courts and stands from Mayo, Down, Meath, England, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Philippines, Scotland and Norway all oozing with talent. Unfortunately Canada couldn’t make it this year but the spirit of Jameson Jack wielding his Pancho Gonzales racket could be felt on court. We know Jack E would have been first to sign up if he was in Thailand.


The competition was fierce and intense with tactics playing a big part in the results

Tom was easily the most powerful on court with his bullet balls brilliantly blasting opponents into submission. He was however a little wild on occasions. One fireball whizzed past the man from Down’s head, I swear turning his hair red before exploding through the back fence onto Suriwong.  Look out when Tom gets his range right.

New member Aussie John bowled his underarm serves confusing the hell out of the Kiwis who momentarily thought they were playing cricket ! Well done Trevor er John the only one who managed a hat trick during the afternoon.

Craig was leaping back and forward up and down like an All Blacks lineout on a hot tin roof. This exceptional all round sportsman also plays Gaelic Football, is an expert mountain bike rider and it is rumoured that he represented N.Z. at marbles. Warning don’t try to pass him at the net.

Nikki’s dinky serves fooled everyone as she went on to make the final and best woman player. Howard practiced his squash shots with more slices than a chocolate cake. One delicate shot danced across the net towards the nick but Lady Meath brilliantly cut it off and despatched a winner down the line. Erland sped around the court like a Viking warrior hunting for Irishmen chasing every ball so his partners could relax and watch the winners

The sun set, the swallows soared and the lights came on for the final. A few beers after with friends, two new members and the promise of more, camaraderie and some entertaining tennis all made for a most entertaining day. What better way to spend a balmy Sunday afternoon in Bangkok?

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