Inter Societies Golf

Dear Irish Golfers

Come on the Irish we are well overdue for a win

and we look forward to all our golfers past and present

to support St. Patrick’s this year.

For those who are coming to the Intersocieties Golf on 8th and 9th November at Royal Hills  we need to confirm your accommodation requirements now. This year the tournament is hosted by St Georges.

The St Pat’s society has been allocated 27 rooms however we must confirm or possibly lose them.

It is confirmed by the committee that anyone who is a paid member of St. Patricks Society is eligible to play for the green team in this tournament.
Please see the following link for costs and further information.
This is always a fun weekend, great party on Saturday and a chance to take the family away. Guests are welcome ….. you don’t have to be a golfer.

Team shirts will be available from Friday night.

Please confirm your attendance and provide information requested below to me by email to me here.

Information required is:

Given name
Family name
The number of people for
Accom. fri night
Accom. sat night
Accom. sun night
No. of guests for bbq
No. of guests for buffet
