Ordinary Membership : Ordinary Membership is open to any Irish person. For the purposes of Membership an Irish Person shall be a person born in Ireland or a person with at least one parent or grand parent born in Ireland. At the time of membership application, the applicant must be resident in Thailand. Ordinary membership will also apply to anyone, though not meeting the criteria for membership in their own right, have a son or daughter resident in Ireland and that son or daughter having the right of abode in Ireland.
Associate Membership : The Society offers Associate Memberships to persons resident in Thailand who do not themselves meet the necessary criteria for Ordinary Membership, but are interested in the promotion of Irish Culture in Thailand. The Society does not permit the number of Associate Members to exceed one third of the total number of Ordinary Members.
Honorary Membership : Honorary members may be elected on a vote of not less the two thirds of the total Ordinary Membership of the Society. Honorary Members shall pay subscriptions and shall have no say in the management of the Society.
Membership Fees: (for all membership types)
Individual Life Membership THB-500.00
Joint Life (Member & Partner) Membership THB-750.00
To become a member (or to advise a change in contact details) please use the form below