Thailand GAA – December Update

From: John Campbell <>
Date: Monday, December 29, 2008, 12:43 PM

Hope you’ve all had a great Christmas and best wishes to everyone for the new year ahead.

Next year is a massive year for the ThaiGAAs with us hosting the Asian Gaelic Games on October 16 -18th.  Lots of work ahead and appreciate all the offers of  support and help so far. We’ll be hosting Thailand’s largest ever gathering of Irish men and women with over 1000 players and spectators expected to travel and to take part in the region’s biggest celebration of Irish culture, so we want to put on a good show. We’ll be setting up anorganising committee in the next few weeks and anyone and everyone is welcome toget involved. The first meeting will be held on Thursday 8th Jan at 8 pm in theDubliner. Please let me know if you can make it.

Back on the pitch, I’m please to report that Kat is making great progressin pulling together a ladies team, so get the wives, girlfriends and daughters signed up.

On the men’s front we had 20 players at our tournament back in April, soI’m confident we can get good numbers out again and look at having two teamsin October. We’re always looking for new recruits so spread the word around.

Training will start up again in January, with our first tour planned for 21stFeb to our friends in KL for their triangular tournie with ourselves andSingapore. Further tours are planned to KL again in May for the South East AsiaGames and to Vietnam in June. Hope you can join.

Any problems let me know
All the best